Project Description: To build and assemble a TPI and DAF System for Lube Oil Blending Plant in Phillipine
Product Used in this Project:
Watterson Technology Sdn Bhd
Specialized in Water & Wastewater Treatment System

Okada Technology Sdn Bhd
Specialized in Sludge Dryer System
Wastewater Evaporator System for Petroleum Refinery, Bintulu
Project Description: Treatment of Coil Cleaning Wastewater for Oil and Gas Manufacturer in Bintulu, Sarawak
Product Used in this Project:
The wastewater from Coil Cleaning process produces wastewater contained high very high level of COD, BOD, oil and grease, TSS in the wastewater. The client need to treat their wastewater in compliance with DOE Standard B Discharge Limit.

Discharge of Wastewater from coil cleaning, Bintulu and DOE Standard B Discharge Limit

Reaction Tank and Filter Press
The wastewater is first stored in the Collection Tank before being transferred to the Reaction Tank for chemical treatment. In the Reaction Tank, Coagulant (PAC) will be dosed into the wastewater to coagulate the non-biodegradable materials and suspended solids. After the flocs have settled at the bottom the tank, the clarified water will overflow into the Filtrate Tank . The flocs or Sludge in this case will be pump to the Filter Press via the use of Filter Press Feed Pump. The Filtrate Water for the the Filter Pump will flow back into the Filtrate Tank for further processing while the sludge will be pressed and the sludge cake generated will be managed as per DOE guidelines.

Evaporator System

Cooling System
The wastewater is then transferred to the evaporator to boiled into vapor by using thermal oil. During this process, anti-foam is dosed into the wastewater to stop the build-up of foam. The hot vapor is drawn and passes through the heat exchanger where it is condensed and captured as treated water in the Treated Water Tank. A volume of concentrated waste will be formed and is transferred into the Concentrate Discharge Tank.
The water from the Treated Water Tank is feed into a Carbon Filter where impurities and inorganic COD is remove before discharging the treated effluent into the drain. The Concentrated Discharge Waste is recycled back into the Reaction Tank after cooled to a certain temperature for further treatment until it is too concentrated to be recycled. The Concentrate Discharge Waste which is too concentrated will be discharge manually via a diverting valve.

Carbon Filter

Final Discharge Lab Result